So according to John, Jesus knew his death was to come soon and so he had everything planned. By planned, I don't exactly mean that he had a strategy of dying. And much less do I mean that he had a map or a diagram with all the steps to follow. What this really means, is that Jesus could have escaped death if he wanted to, but he didn't. But why did he do this? Why did he sacrifice his life if he had the option to continue living? After all, he is the son of God and could have avoided this if he really wanted to. So why didn't he? The reason for this is that since Jesus' goal on earth was to save humanity and spread the world of God, he only wanted to complete his mission no matter the humiliation and torture that he could be submitted to. In other words, Jesus predicted his death. He was able to do this since he suspected Judas betrayal. It turns out that Judas was "the devil", and the commander of Jesus' death. "Judas then, having received a band of menand officers from the chief priests and Pharisees, cometh thither with lanterns and torches and weapons." (John 18: 3)
"These words spake Jesus, and lifted up his eyes to heaven, and said, Father, the hour is come; glorify thy Son, that thy Son also may glorify thee: As thou hast given him power over all flesh, that he should give eternal life to as many as thou hast given him. And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." (John 17: 1-3) At the beginning I found this to be so powerful and sacrificial, but then I come to learn that Jesus knew he was going to resurrect. So, if he was going to die in a humiliated way for viewers but proud of himself, why would one not care to die if you were anyways going to come back to life? Now, everything makes sense. Its not that noble of Jesus of letting himself be crucified. He knew it would be beneficial for everyone at the end, and that since he would have another chance on earth, unlike everyone else, it didn't matter to lose the first one. Makes sense right? Today, it is obviously shown how Jesus accomplished all his goals for now there is plenty of people that follow his religion.
Pilate's situation was completely different than that of others in this Gospel. And let me tell you, it was a tough one. He thought that Jesus had no fault at all, and tried to convince the Jews upon this. "And from thenceforth Pilate sought to release him: but the Jews cried out, saying, If thou let this man go, thou art not Caesar’s friend: whosoevermaketh himself a king speaketh against Caesar." (John 19: 12) He literally had no choice at all. It was either his life, or Jesus'. The trouble that he would have been in for "ignoring" the emperor Caesar would have been greater than anything and most possibly, he would have been sentenced to death. So why not escape all of those troubles? At least he tried, I mean, he was so brave and this should be taken into consideration. One point for Pilate!
And so, the Gospel comes to an end. Yes, I know, it has a horrible ending but that was just the way it had to be. Anyways, you can look at it in the positive way. Jesus accomplished his mission and after all, he resurrected. He made the world that we have today and created the most followed religion on earth. Congratulations Jesus!
It seems as if Jews are bad. All along my reading I've felt attacked and completely ashamed. But why ashamed? I shouldn't be. The only things said in the Gospel about Jews is bad. There is nothing good. Nothing at all. I hope someday you can understand how I feel and read the story from the other side; from the Jewish point of view. I knew I would hate to read Gospels. It's a complete offense against others. Measures were taken from both sides, and the only ones to end up as the bad are those Jews. Screw you all.
I wish there could be a Gospel clearing out the Jewish point of view. Maybe, but just maybe, you'll then understand how it feels. How about we create a Gospel according to Moses? Actually, one according to Michelle, (who is still alive) would be much better.
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