Throughout the reading, I have noticed how the Tao refers to the world such as it is. It clearly says how there is no way of taking over the universe and improving it. It is completely impossible to modify society in a way that one would think is helpful.There are many of us that try to change the world and make it a better place to live in, but what is a better place? Furthermore, what is helpful? What is good? We have been thought the differences between good and evil, but even though we recognize them, we don't know these as well to apply them and change the world into a "good" place to live in. It is hard for some people to do simple things, such as not wasting water and recycling. We are told to help our universe, but even though we know how to, we just don't do it. Some say that helping is the right thing to do, while others say it is wrong. But the Tao itself says that there is nothing that can be done. "The universe is sacred. You cannot improve it. If your try to change it, you will ruin it. If you try to hold it, you will lose it." (Tao 29)
I previously discovered how the Tao is a divine way of living, but now I realize that it is something that can't be completely understood. "The Tao is forever undefined. Small though it is in the unformed state, it cannot be grasped." (Tao 32) If someone is able to control the Tao, he would have the power of the "ten thousand things"; everything. It can't be hold and as it was said about the universe above, if you try to hold it you will lose it. It says that the universe is sacred, and so is the Tao for they have very similar attributes. If I were to say that the Tao is nature since I believe it is, it would perfectly make sense with the above descriptions. Yes, nature is forever undefined. When it is found small, it means that it is in the unformed state for it is only beginning to evolve (grow). Nature cannot be controlled, and if so is the case, that being will have power over everything. Everything such as every living creature will work that person's way and obey him. So now I question myself if the Tao is something that can really not be understood.
As the Tao taught, I learned that it is completely against war for it opposes violence. I concluded that the Tao is with peace and thinking it twice, peace does somehow relate to having a balance. It obviously doesn't recommend to use any sort of weapons, but what it does say is that when there is no choice and war is in the way, one must succeed in it without enjoying the victory. You must not find glory and happiness in it because it means that you had pleasure while killing. All deaths should be mourned in the same way. I would personally say that this is something very good and respectful to do, but I don't have a word in this. Well, I am beginning to believe that the Tao is right and I don't truly know what good is.
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