Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden after Eve persuades Adam to eat the forbitten fruit. Even though the serpent was the main cause to this problem, Eve receives a greater punishment than the one that Adam was given. It was extremely unfair, let me tell you. Adam was not willing to take the blame for Eve, and made her guilty alone. I thought that God created these two beings fairly and wisely, and since they were both involved in this situation, they had to get out of it together. But I was proved wrong.
"Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multipy thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee." (Chapter 3:16) Eve is submitted through the physical pain of childbirth, and is overruled by her husband. Adam, as cited above, will receive the desire to do so.
Thinking about the inequalities and punishments that were given during those times, make me realize that many of those are still present today. First of all, men now see us as dishonest and perfidious. Its this foolish perception that they have of us and they just can't take it away! I personally find it ridiculous, but then again I'm a woman and I wouldn't understand.. well, that's what they all say. So, how can I relate this with the present? Well, Eve was the one who influenced Adam into trying the fruit and even though she was persuaded to do so by the serpent, she is still guilty. And I never said she wasn't, however I do believe that Adam for following what Eve told him to, is as condemned as she is and that they both deserved an equal torture. Yet, since it wasn't fair at all, and Adam received in a way pleasure instead of suffering, it is shown that rights werenot balanced in the first place and that's just how they continued to be.
It followed by talking about evolution. The next two chapters explained how development took place and how their sons had more and more sons until they created a huge family and as believed, our own ancestors. No matter your religion, they are thought to be the creators of somehow one of your family members. It might be and sounds like the father of the mother of the great grandmother of you father's great grandfathers' grandfather, and so on. Just to conclude, without them we wouldn't be here. However, I'm now really confused. If all of these people were descendants from Adam and Eve, why are we not all related? I mean, nowadays we even follow our own believes and have our own religions. That's a question that I just can't answer right now, but maybe it will be cleared out as we continue reading.
God feels disappointed after the whole "reproduction chain", when the divine creation causes all the violence and evil. Where does this destruction come from? It comes from the breeding, and their harsh actions. Then humans have to prove again their wiseness and intelligence, as they try to show God that they can be the most powerful creature, that he didn't commit an error by giving them this power. But Lord God saw that "the wickedness of man was great in the Earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his hearth was only evil continually." (Chapter 6:5) He was not happy at all with his past creations, He now sincerely regretted what he had once admired. He even said he would destroy the creation of man. "And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the Earth; both man, and the beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them." (Chapter 6:7)
Noah and his ark are finally introduce after God sends the massive flood in order to end with all creatures on Earth except for the ones saved in the ark. Yes, Noah was the one chosen to save the world and its creatures. But why was it Noah? He wasn't mentioned with such importance previously, and I don't see what it was that he had. However, what does matter is that God believed in Noah and trusted him enough to know that he wouldn't upset him.
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